Since 2011, Alice has been weaving with We Bee Weave at the Honolulu Museum of Art School. She has sold scarves and woven art at the Made In Hawaii Festival, Honolulu Museum Gift Shop and Honolulu Museum Art Sale. With our help, Alice started a textile/weaving business called “Spiderwebb Art” and was able to purchase a loom with funds made from the sale of her products. She serves on the board of Special Olympics and is a Special Olympic Global Messenger spreading the message of Special Olympics Hawaii to others thanks to her Toastmasters training. She is on the Special Olympics Swim Team and also swims in the Masters Program at Iolani School. Alice’s dream is to be a chef and swim with dolphins.
* Shared in collaboration with Alice’s father.
I am…happy and a good person
I will…be a chef at a hotel and swim with dolphins
I appreciate…my family and friends