
Age | 18

Photographer| Laurie Breeden Callies

ʻI photographed Ms. Kanoe. Ms. Kanoe helps me in school everyday. She makes my hair pretty and helps me with my schoolwork. She makes me happy because she is kind and sweet. Some of the things we like to do together are cook and eat. I’m proud of her because she only says nice things and is patient and kind to everyone. “Ms. Kanoe, I love you and thank you for taking care of me.”

I am a fashionista.
I can do my own nails.
I will be on T.V. someday.

My photographer is Jordan. She’s 18 years old and a student at Castle High School. I am her Educational Assistant and work with her on functional living and academic skills. Jordan is such a joy to work with which makes coming to work everyday a pleasure. I am so proud of her because she has come such a long way in overcoming challenges and in her ability to express herself more while communicating with others. My dream for Jordan is that when she graduates from high school she will have the skills to care for herself. “Jordan, you are a cutie and I love you. If I had a daughter I would want her to be just like you!”

Kanoe | Educational Assistant

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