

Age | 18

Photographer| Lisa Uesugi

I chose to photograph my sister, Jennifer, because she is closer to my dad since she was born first. I lost my dad when I was ten but Jennifer makes me feel stable and comfortable. She remembers things I forget and helps me with chores when I am tired. She is supportive of my activities and is a very caring person. She has helped me by just being there and knows when I want to be left alone. We don’t keep secrets. We talk very openly. I have learned teamwork and organizational skills through helping Kids Hurt Too.

I am strong.
I can use my strength to work hard.
I will continue to strive hard toward working on college skills.

My photographer is Jonathon. I call him Jon. He’s my younger brother by 3 1/2 years and we’ve always had a great relationship. Growing up, we were taught to look out for each other and although we occasionally argue, we just get along really well. I feel so blessed o have him as my brother. We were both home-schooled. It was fun to learn and do our home-school activities together. In 6th grade Jon became a Boy Scout and he has really grown and matured from learning various skills and hanging out with other scouts in his troop. He has also been working part-time as a custodian at our church and has volunteered at Kids Hurt Too for the last four years. I’m proud of Jon because he’s grown into a hard-working young man. My brother is the strong, silent type, but once you get to know him, you’ll discover his keen sense of humor and his heart to serve others. I’m also proud of how he’s become more responsible as he’s learned how to drive and, how he showed determination in earning his Eagle Scout rank. My dream is that he will continue to grow and become the person that God wants him to be. My hope is that he will use his abilities in his job and in his life to make a difference in our world. “As we journey through college and beyond, Jon, remember to trust God for your future – He has great things in store for you! Love you, bro!”

Jennifer | Sister

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