BradLee “Kaipo”
Age | 11
Photographer| Lisa Uesugi
The person I am taking pictures of is my Grandpa. His name is Paul and he’s my mom’s dad. I chose him because he raised me and I think he’s like a dad to me. He makes me feel happy because he brings me in his life and loves me and cares for me. He is thoughtful. My Grandpa plays ukulele with me and invites me to wash the car with him. He likes to play chess with me. I am proud of him because he has a good job. He works at a hospital. I would like to tell my Grandpa that he is just like a dad to me and I look up to him because of how he treats me and for all the great things he’s done in his life.
I am…caring and cool
I can…help others
I will…be a UH soccer player
Kaipo is my grandson. We play, do projects, learn and help other people together. He makes me feel like I am helping him become someone. He is my grandson but he is like a son to me and I will always be there for him. I am proud of him and I love him very much.
Paul K. Kakuewa | Grandfather