Alfred “Al” Tagudin

Alfred “Al” Tagudin
Age: 82
Birthplace: Wahiawa Hawai`i
Photographer: Alisha Chavez, Age 17 ~ Leilehua High School
Mr. Tagudin was born and raised in Wahiawa and has four siblings. He is married and has three daughters and several grandchildren and a great grandchild. He went to Wahiawa Elementary School and is a 1952 graduate of Leilehua High School. In his younger days, Mr. Tagudin worked in the pineapple fields and later as an auto mechanic with Aiea Auto Repair. He also traveled to many places across the globe. He retired in 1994.
When I was a kid, I sold newspapers and had to get up early to go pick them up at Schofield. There were a lot of military and Navy guys that would come to Wahiawa and I would shine their shoes for 15 cents a pair. I would also clean my teachers’ yards and I drove a refuge truck. When my work was done, I would go help out at the welding shop that was down the road.
My friends and I liked to go hiking up the creek and climb plum trees and put the plums in our pockets, which always stained our pants. Sometimes we’d hang out to hitch a ride on the train that ran along Lake Wilson and Cane Street. We’d play football and softball in the streets and occasionally break a window…or two. Sometimes we’d play hooky!
There were two movie theaters in Wahiawa, a bowling alley where Tamura’s is and a skating rink at Dot’s Drive In. We even had an ice skating rink. I remember when there was only grass and dirt roads on Royal Palm and Glen Avenue. Wahiawa Hospital use to be the elementary school. I remember in 1941 when a plane crashed into the building. I remember the wartime when we had blackouts and had to carry gas masks wherever we went.
Life’s greatest gift is my family. I have the best wife, a good wife who does everything. I am proud of the kids we raised and think our house is more alive when they are around.
I hope the younger generation can take advantage of their schooling so they can find work they like and feel passionate about it.

Alisha Cassie Chavez

I was born at Wahiawa General Hospital and wanted to be involved in this project because Wahiawa holds a lot of history that is important to my family and me. My favorite thing about Wahiawa is that it is a friendly and diverse environment where there is much to learn from others and there are stories to be told about its history.   This project gave me an opportunity to connect with others and helped all of us become aware of why Wahiawa is the way it is today instead of letting the history of our town disappear. Alisha Cassie Chavez
Age 17
Leilehua High School
Photographer: Laurie Callies
Kūpuna Alfred Tagudin
Age 82
I enjoy going to Surfer’s Coffee Bar to relax, listen to great music, drink coffee and work. I like playing the piano and ukulele and going on hiking adventures while capturing the moments on camera. After high school, I want to attend Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri to become a pediatrician.

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