

Age | 17

Photographer| Lisa Uesugi

This is Joshlyn and she is my cousin. She has always told me to do well, so I chose her to show her that I am doing something good. She makes me feel free. We like to go to the beach together and talk story. I can talk to her about anything. She has always given me words of wisdom and I’m proud of her because I always see her working really hard so she can make it to where wants to be in life. I hope that she gets through high school and reaches her goals. “Joshlyn, thanks for helping me to keep on track.”

I am very confident in myself.
I can make changes in my life.
I will be successful with my goals.

Isaiah is my older cousin. I call him Zeah. We like to cruise at the beach or chill whenever he comes over. I am really proud of him because he has made a great change from before and he has improved his lifestyle. My dream for him is to graduate from high school and see him succeed in life. “Zeah, you are a great person and I am proud of you.”

Joshlyn | Cousin

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